DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-845EXT-DEV ADMIN? Y (External Device Alarm)
EXT-DEV ADMIN? Y (External Device Alarm)
Use this MO when the

External Device Alarm Admin?

field on the


system-parameters customer-op tions

form is set to (y). You must have
INADS or INIT login permission to administer EXT-DEV Alarm.
Generic 3r SYSAM an d EPN M aintenanc e circuit pac ks each have two alarm
ports that connect to s uch external devices a s Uninterruptible Power Supplies
(UPS) or adjuncts (AUDIX).
Certain conditions on the external device close the c ontacts on the alarm leads
to notify the switch which in turn orig inates an EXT-DEV alarm. One set of leads
generates a major alarm; the other set g enerates a minor alarm.
The special locations UUmajor and UUminor are used to designa te the major or
minor maintenance board alar m connection for cab inet UU. The major/minor
designation spec ifies the port, not the alarm level assoc iated with the

for example,

the “major” port c an be administered as a major, minor,
or warning alarm, and the “min or” port can be ad ministered as a major, minor, or
warning alarm. In additi on Analog line ports can also b e administered as external
device alarms.
An unadministered maintenanc e board external devic e alarm port, that is
sensing a contact c losure will have an entry in the Error Log and in the
Alarm Log. INADS will not receive warning alarms.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run 1
1. UU is a cabinet numb er determined in the Port field of the Alarm or Error Log.
Full Name of MO
EXT-DEV MAJOR test eda-external-devi ce-alrm
physical location External Device Alarm
EXT-DEV MINOR test eda -external-device-alrm
physical location External Device Alarm
EXT-DEV WARNING test eda-external-devi ce-alrm
physical location External Device Alarm