DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
4 FAIL The battery is currently being charged.
1. After 30 hours, the battery should be fully charged, and this error should
2. If after 30 hours the battery is still in the high charge rate, an alarm will be
raised. Display the Error Log with the display errors command and select
the category ‘‘environ’’ to d isplay only environment-related error s. Look for
POWER errors of type 257. The
first occurrence
of this error indicates the
time when the battery started charging. Use this time as the starting point
to determine if the battery has been charging for 30 hours. If the battery
has been charging for 30 hours, then replace the battery and b attery
Read the section, ‘‘Replacing the Battery and Battery Charger’’ before
proceeding. 3) Rerun the test. If the test still fails, then SYSAM in a PPN
or the EPN MAINT (Maintenance) circuit pack in an EPN could be
reporting this c ondition incorrectly. There are failures that c an occur on
the SYSAM a nd EPN Mai ntenanc e circ uit pa ck that will not b e dete cted
by their respective maintenance, but which will cause many, if not all,
environment tests to fail. If many environment tests are failing, the
suspect circuit pack, d epending on the system configuration, should be
replaced and the test rerun. Resolve all alarms on these MOs, and rerun
the test.
6 FAIL This indicates that error codes 2 and 4 have occurred. Refer to these
descriptions. Also, refer to the description for error cod e 14 for this test.
Table 9-513. TEST #5 Battery & Battery Charger Query Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page