DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-51Automatic Transmission Measurement System (ATMS)
ATMS Measurement Analysis
ATMS compares the results of the test measurements with threshold values to
identify trunks that are out of tolerance or unusa ble. Once a defec tive circuit has
been pinpointed , a proper analysis must b e made to determine the ap propriate
action to take on the facility failures. Althoug h there is no “right” procedure for
every situation, the following items will help in troubleshooting prob lems:
If a circuit fails an ATMS transmission test, it does not necessarily mean
the trouble is in the facility itself. The problem c ould be caused by a faulty
test line, bad switch p ath, or a variety of other reasons.
If a circuit fails a transmission test b ut successfully passe s a supervision
test, some of the items mentioned above are p robably not at fault, sinc e
proper call routing an d circuit conti nuity are required for succe ssful of a
supervision test.
If several circuits in the same g roup are failing, this could indicate the
failure of some common equipment (su ch as a carrier system, test line, or
cable) or erroneous information in the threshold tables.
When a test call can be suc cessfully made, but not c ompleted, either the
OTL or TTL is probably defective. For this failure type, further ATMS testing
might be seriously impaired , but the system is not otherwise affec ted.
If a test call cannot be suc cessfully made, the wrong number might have
been dialed, the far-end device might b e busy, the far-end devic e is
defective, or there is a serious trunk failure ob structing the cal l.
SRL-LO Singing return loss from 0 to 40 dB b etween the sum of the circuit
(repeater) gains and the s um of the circuit losses. SRL-LO occurs mos t
often in the frequency rang e of 200 to 500 Hz.
SRL-HI Singing return loss from 0 to 40 dB b etween the sum of the circuit
(repeater) gains on a circ uit and the sum of the circ uit losses. SRL-HI
occurs most often in the freq uency range of 2500 to 3200 Hz.
ERL Echo return loss from 0 to 40 dB between the le vel of signal strength
transmitted and the level of sig nal strength reflected . ERL occurs most
often in the frequency rang e of 500 to 2500 Hz