DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1507STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
If all SPE-Down Interface tests pass, and error 514 recurs, then there is
probably a software p roblem in the standby SPE: follow normal escalation
g. Indicates that the two Time-of-Day (TOD) clocks of the ac tive and standby
SPEs were detected to be more than 30 second s apart. Run the short test
sequence on each of the two SPEs’ SYSAM circuit packs (see service
documentation for TN1648). If any of these tests fail, fix the p roblem with
that SYSA M pac k (a s des crib ed i n TN16 48 ser vic e doc umen tati on). I f no
SYSAM tes ts fai l, and if t he 770 per sists , then repl ace the st andb y SYSAM
pack (via the lock-and -power-down app roach) and wait for the rep aired
standby SPE to initialize again (after unlocking ). If, after all this, the 770
pers ists, then , onc e the s tand by SPE i s full y refr eshed and of
health, perform a planned SPE interchange ("reset system interchange")
and r epla ce th e now -stan dby (othe r) SYSAM pac k (ag ain: use
lock-and-power-down). No w let the standby re-initialize. If, the 770 error
persists, escalate the proble m.
h. This indicates that the standby SPE is down (has a power or sanity
problem) and is assoc iated with a
SOH level (as revealed
by "status spe"). Check for any power alarms (CARR-POW) and deal with
them. If none, trouble-shoot the standb y SPE by locking and using the
SMT. Do not unlock the standby SPE until all SMT tests of it have passed.
i. Represents an instance of refresh failure. Look at the auxiliary d ata
associated with the error. There are the following p ossibilities:
Aux data 1380
This indicates that memory shadowin g was turned off during
refresh. Proceed as you would to solve a shad owing problem (see
the section
Resolving Shadowing Failure
). If shadowing returns,
wait 10 minutes for the system to automatically retry refresh. Also,
problems with the standb y PKT-INT might lead standby software to
turn off shadowing during refresh. So look for a red LED on the
standby PKT-INT. If you find this, follow PKT-INT service
documentation to repair. Then wait for the automatic retr y of refresh.
Aux data 1381
This indicates a failure of PKT-INT refresh. Consult PKT-INT service
documentation to test and rep air both active and stand by PKT-INTs
while the standby is not refreshed. Then wait for the automatic retry
of refresh.
Aux data 1383
This indicates that refresh of one of the memory p acks has failed.
Typically this indicates a p roblem with one of the active SPE
MEM-BDs. Consult MEM-BD service documentation of e xecute the
long test sequence on these packs. Fix any problems you
encounter. Then wait for the automatic retry of refresh.