DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-69display alarms
display alarms
This command will display an options form which allows the te chnician to choose
which alarms are to be disp layed.
display alarms

[print | schedule ]

The following default logins may exec ute this command: system tec hnician,
inads, cust, rcust, b cms, init, browse.
display alarms display alarms print display alarms schedule
The display alarms c ommand brings up a hardware alarm report. This screen
allows the technician various d ifferent options to select which alarms will be
displayed on the alar m report. There are no parameters entered on the c ommand
line, parameters are selected o n the hardware alarm report form instead .
An alarm can occur for any hard ware object when it has been d etermined by the
maintenance subsystem that a p roblem definitely exists. The impac t of the
problem is indic ated by the alarm type :
Warning alarm—A problem which ha s been deemed imp ortant enough to log, or
may be external to the system, but not severe enough to cause a notic eable
degradation of servic e.
Minor alarm—A problem whic h could disab le a local area of the system and so
noticeably deg rade the system.
Major alarm—A problem whic h widely degrad es the system and seriously
impairs service. This would c ause a call to be plac ed to INADS.
A resolved alarm is a problem whi ch has been correc ted, and the alarmed
component of the system is func tioning correctly ag ain. The alarm will be
stamped with a resolved d ate and time, indic ating that it is no longer a c oncern
(any errors associated with the alarms will al so be considered resolved).