DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1300PNC-DUP (PNC Duplication)
Screen 9-1. Status PNC Screen with Standby PNC Fully In-Service
PNC State of Health Indexes
The Inter-PN and Inter-SN Indexes form the state of health vector, which is u sed
to track and comp are the states of health of both PNCs. The fields making up the
indexes are two digit numb ers separated b y periods (.), with each fiel d
representing a different class of faults. The fault class fields are arranged in order
of decreasing imp ortance from left to right. In other word s, each field in the ind ex
supersedes the following fi elds in determining wh ich PNC is healthiest. A fault
class drives an interchang e only when all of the higher pr iority fault classes are
equal. A zero entry indicates no faults in that class. Increasing nu mbers indicate
increasingly higher numb ers of faults present in that class.
The Inter-PN Index contains five fields (XX.XX.XX.XX.XX), and the Inter-SN Index
has two (XX.XX). The Inter-PN Index reports faults in c onnectivity between port
networks and supersedes the Inte r-SN Index, which reports faults in c onnectivity
between switch nodes. (The Inter-SN Index is only meaningful for systems with a
center stage switch havin g 2 switch nodes, eac h of which is dup licated).
The meaning of each fault class field is given in the following tab le. A zero entry
indicates that there are no such faults rep orted. Higher numb ers indicate
increasing number of faults. A ll zeros indicates per fect state of health. Unless the
PNCs are locked, the active PNC’s state of health should always be equal to or
better than the standby’s. ( Otherwise, the system would perfor m a spontaneous
status pnc page 1 of 1
Duplicated? yes
Software Locked? no
Standby Busied? no
Direct Connect? no
Standby Refreshed? yes
Interchange Disabled? no
Mode: active Mode: standby
State of Health: functional State of Health: functional
Inter PN Index: Inter PN Index:
Inter SN Index: 00.00 Inter SN Index: 00.00
Major Alarms: 0 Major Alarms: 0
Minor Alarms: 0 Minor Alarms: 0
Warning Alarms: 0 Warning Alarms: 0
SN Locations: 01E SN Locations: 01D