DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1255PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
i. Error 257 indicates that the circuit p ack detected a fatal failure. This error
is a very serious and when it occ urs, maintenance software immediately
escalates testing to the des tructive reset test (#889).
1. If the Packet Interface circ uit has a MAJOR alarm:
a. Reset the Packet Interface circuit p ack using the reset
packet-interface CS command.
b. Refer to the repair proced ures for the Packet Interface Reset
Test (#889).
2. If the Packet Interface circ uit pack is not alarmed, no a ction is
j. Errors 267 and 217 indicate that the numb er of Packet Interface circ uit
packs detec ted as being p hysically present excee ds number of Packet
Interface circuit p acks supported by the software config uration or, if the
SPEs are duplicated, that a Packet Interface c ircuit pack is d etected as
being physically pres ent on the standby SPE but the corresponding
Packet Interface circuit p ack on the active SPE is not present.
1. If more than one Packet Interface circ uit pack is inserted in the
acti ve or s tand by SPE c arrie r, rem ove th e extr a cir cuit pac k(s).
2. If t he SPE is d upl icat ed, v isual ly ch eck t hat th e num ber a nd
loca tion o f Pack et Int erfa ce c ircu it pa cks i n the stand by SPE c arri er
match the number and loc ation of Packet Interface ci rcuit packs in
the ac tive SPE carr ier. If there is a mi smatc h, in sert Pa cket Inter face
circ uit p ack s in th e stan dby SPE to mat ch th e Pack et Int erfa ce
circ uit p ack s in th e act ive SPE.
k. Error 513 is called Message Hands hake failure. It indicates that a failure
with t he mes sage prot ocol betw een th e SPE soft ware a nd th e Pack et
Interface circuit p ack was detected .
1. If the Packet Interface circ uit has a MAJOR alarm:
a. Reset the Packet Interface circuit p ack using the reset
packet-interface CS command.
b. Refer to the repair proced ures for the
Packet Interface Reset
Test (#889)
2. If the Packet Interface circ uit pack is not alarmed, no a ction is
l. Error 769 indicates that there was a failure in the
Packet Looparound test
A maintenance looparound link cannot be established or the Packet
Interface circuit p ack cannot send and receive data correc tly as part of
the looparound test (Test #886). If the number of errors exc eeds a defined
threshold, a Major alarm will be ra ised.
In a sy stem e quip ped with dup lica ted SPEs , a fa ilure o f the M ainte nanc e
Loop around test may ha ve ca used an SPE int erch ange whic h would resu lt
in an alarm associated with error c ode 769 being rep orted against a
Packe t Inte rfac e cir cuit pac k that is cu rrent ly on t he sta ndb y SPE. If s o, it