DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-303status spe
This field specifies whether a sp ontaneous interchange has oc curred
within the last hour. If this field disp lays “yes,” a sp ontaneous
interchanges has occ urred within the last hour. If the field disp lays “no” a
spontaneous interchange ha s not occurred within the last ho ur, or a
technician has purp osely reset this field in the software. Immed iately
following a spontaneous interc hange, the field is set to “y es.” While the
field displays “ yes,” the health of the standb y SPE can never be better
than “partially functional,” and an interchang e can not occur unless the
health of the active SPE drops below “p artially functional.” Recent
interchange mode c an be cleared b y either test spe-standby long or
busyout spe-standby. This condition clears automatic ally one hour after
the interchange occ urred.
This field will be blank in a simp lex SPE system.
Mode: The mode is the current role of the SPE. "active" indica tes th at thi s SPE
is controlling the network and providing servic es for the system.
standby indi cate s that t his SPE i s par t of a d upli cat ed sys tem an d is n ot
currently active. Blanks ind icate that the system has a simplex SPE.
Switch: This field shows the position of the SPE Select-switch on the dup lication
interface circuit p ack. The Select-switch can be in three d ifferent
positions. A position of "spe a" means the switch is sw itched left. A
position of "spe b" means the switch is switc hed right. A p osition of "auto"
means the switch is in the center p osition. "unavail" means the
duplication interfac e circuit pac k has been removed (the b oard has been
unseated). Blanks mean that the system is not d uplicated and ther e is no
Select-switch due to there be ing no duplic ation interface boards.
Alarms: The number of major alarms logged against the SPE are displayed in this
field. Blanks in the standby fie lds mean that the system is not duplic ated
and a standby SPE does not exist. The category spe may be entered on
the display alarms or display errors forms to view all alarms or errors
logged ag ainst SPE maintenance objects.
Alarms: The number of minor alarms logged against the SPE are displayed in this
field. Blanks in the standb y side mean that the system is not dup licated
and a standby SPE does not exist. The category spe may be entered on
the display alarms or display errors forms to view all alarms or errors
logged ag ainst SPE maintenance objects.
Alarms: The num ber o f warn ing a larms logg ed a gai nst th e SPE are d isp layed in
this field. Blanks in the standb y side mean that the system is not
dup lica ted a nd a s tand by SPE d oes no t exis t. The cate gory spe may be
entered on the display alarms or display errors forms to view all alarms
or errors logged ag ainst SPE maintenance objects.