DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1602SYSAM (Circuit Pack)
a. Error 150 indicates that a SPE interchange has occurred and that the
SYSAM circuit pack was the cause of the sp ontaneous interchange.
1. If o ther SYSAM error s are p resen t, inv estig ate th ese er rors.
2. If no other SYSAM errors are present, run the test maintenance a|b
long clear command and investig ate any test failures.
b. Error 513 indicates that the circ uitry associated with ac tive port on the
SYSAM circuit pack is not functioning properly. This circuitry can only b e
tested when the SYSAM is in the active SPE.
c. Error 769 indicates that one of the following in-line errors has occurred:
1. The "No Case" e rror i ndic ates t hat th e SYSAM fi rmwar e rec eived a
message that does not match a ny known message format.
2. The "Background Fault" error indicates that one of the following
SYSAM firmware background test failed: CPU Test, EPROM
Checksum Test, RAM Test, or NVRAM Checksum Test.
3. The "Lo gic al Inc onsi stenc y" erro r ind icat es tha t the SYSA M
firmw are ha s det ermin ed th at the SYSA M cir cuit pack is in a
logically incons istent state.
These e rrors indic ate t hat th e SYSAM’s sanity may b e questionable.
SYSAM software will run the Sanity Handshake Test in response to these
errors . If th ese er rors a re rep orted repe ated ly, SYSAM so ftwar e will reset
the SYSAM circuit pack via the SYSAM Reset Test.
d. Error 1793 indicates that the Sanity Timer Test initialization test failed on
the last time the system rebooted. (Refer to “Routine Maintenanc e
Procedures"). Replace the SYSAM circuit pack and verify that the Sanity
Timer Test passes after replacing the circuit p ack. To replace the SYSAM
circuit pack, refer to ‘Repl acing SPE Circ uit Pa cks’’ in Chapter 5.
e. Error 2561 i ndic ates that t he sta ndb y G3-M T port on the stand by SYSA M
circuit pack is not functioning properly. Standby p ort circuitry on the ac tive
SYSAM is not tested.
f. Error 2817 with aux 2060 indicates that external mod em is administered
on a switch with an active TN1648 suffix A. The external modem c apability
requires a TN1648 suffix B or later. Set the Modem Connection: field on
the System-parameters Maintenance screen to interna l.