DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Initialization and Recovery
4-3Hot Restart
4. Use the save translations command to make the chang es permanent.

To avoid potential loss of servce, ensure that your system’s

translations are protected b y saving them to the PCM/CIA card.

Hot Restart
This reset occurs only on a dup licated SPE during a


SPE inter chang e.
Reset Level 1 (Warm Restart)
Duration Up to 1.5 minutes
Causes reset system interchange command
(use of the contention-override or health-override options
causes a reset level 1 or higher)
SPE inter chang e req ueste d by sched uled maint enance
Effects Call service is unaffected .
Yellow LEDs light on new active SPE and go out on the new
Memory shadowing is turned off.
Remote acce ss po rt (SYSAM- RMT) log in is d rop ped.
Duration Up to 10 seconds, typ ically 2 seconds
Causes reset system 1 command
Spont aneous SPE inter chang e (th ose ca used by har dware
Software faults that are non-service affecting
Abor t of pl anned SPE inter chan ge
Hardware bus errors
TN1655 Packet Interface faults