DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-203set options
The remaining Trunk Group information is shown on the next 6 pages and is
not documented in this Ma nual.
On the first page of the Alarm Repor ting Options Form, the user selects t he alarm
severity options for station alarms, the four trunk ala rm severity groups, the
adjunct alarms, off-board DS1 alarms, off board PGATE-PT alarms, and other
off-board alarms. On the second page, known as the Alarm Repor ting Options
Form, the user assigns an alarm severity group to eac h trunk group. This feature
enables the technician to red uce the level of alarms reported for on-board or
off-board trouble cond itions.
The following alarm options are available:
Alarms are raised as maintenance testing discovers them but the severity
of the alarm is downgrad ed to a minor. Alarmed resources that would
have normally been taken out of service are still taken ou t of service. LEDs
on the port board and maintenance board follow the nor mal Minor alarm
LED strategy and there is a call to the rece iving OSS.
Warn ing
Alarms are raised as maintenance testing discovers them, but the sev erity
of the alarm is downgrad ed to a warning. The advantage to the technician
here is that the Alarm Log can still b e used to pinpoint trunk or station
problems reported by the customer. Alarmed resourc es that would
normally have been taken out-of-servic e are still taken out-of-service.
Alarm LEDs light on the port circ uit pack and Maintenanc e circuit pack as
before, but no attendant LEDs or stations rep orting alarms are affected.
There is no call to INADS.
set options Page 2 of 8
(Alarm Group)
01: 1 11: 1 21: 1 31: 1 41: 1 51: 1 61: 1 71: 1 81: 1 91: 1
02: 1 12: 1 22: 1 32: 1 42: 1 52: 1 62: 1 72: 1 82: 1 92: 1
03: 1 13: 1 23: 1 33: 1 43: 1 53: 1 63: 1 73: 1 83: 1 93: 1
04: 1 14: 1 24: 1 34: 1 44: 1 54: 1 64: 1 74: 1 84: 1 94: 1
05: 1 15: 1 25: 1 35: 1 45: 1 55: 1 65: 1 75: 1 85: 1 95: 1
06: 1 16: 1 26: 1 36: 1 46: 1 56: 1 66: 1 76: 1 86: 1 96: 1
07: 1 17: 1 27: 1 37: 1 47: 1 57: 1 67: 1 77: 1 87: 1 97: 1
08: 1 18: 1 28: 1 38: 1 48: 1 58: 1 68: 1 78: 1 88: 1 98: 1
09: 1 19: 1 29: 1 39: 1 49: 1 59: 1 69: 1 79: 1 89: 1 99: 1
10: 1 20: 1 30: 1 40: 1 50: 1 60: 1 70: 1 80: 1 90: 1 100: 1