DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-704DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
reports of this error will result in a MAJOR alarm that can only b e cleared
over time (within 15 minutes of the final report) or b y using test
duplication interface long clear. Follow the repair proced ures listed in
note a above.
d. Error Type 2561
Aux Data 1032 or 2032 (SPE A); A ux Dat a 1016 o r 2016 (SPE B):
indi cates a dis crep ancy b etwe en the SPE s elect switc h sett ings
and the status spe command screen d isplay. Do not replace any
circuit packs. Ca ll Tier 3.
e. Catastrophic in-line error failure.
Aux Da ta 1: Rem ote SPE sh adowi ng bu s erro r
Possible false alarms can be caused by pulling a standby SPE
circuit pack (o ther than TAPE or DISK) while carrier power is on.
Use the following repair proc edure for this off circuit pac k alarm.
1. Use the display alarms command and select Categor y spe.
If any maintenance objects othe r than DUPINT or DUP-CHL
have MAJOR alarms, fix these problems. Problems c ausing
and SW-CTL, should be repaired first.
2. Execute the test duplication-interface long clear
command to clear this alar m. If any DUPINT or DUP-CHL
test fails or aborts, use the repair strateg y for that test.
3. If no DUPINT nor DUP-CHL tests failed, the DUPINT and
DUP-CHL alarms are resolved or cleared in this ac tive to
stand by d irect ion so releas e the st andb y SPE from the
busyout condition using the release spe-standby command
and w ait (ab out 1 0 minut es) for the st andb y SPE to b e
refreshed as observed with the status spe command.
4. If the sta ndb y SPE is ref reshed , and fully funct ional, with n o
DUPINT or DUP-CHL alarms in the other active to standby
direction, this proced ure is finished.
5. If the sta ndb y SPE is ref reshed , and fully funct ional, with
DUPINT or DUP-CHL alarms in the other active to standby
direction, use the reset system interchange c ommand. Go
to step 8.
6. If the sta ndb y SPE is not refres hed, a nd fu lly fun ctio nal, wi th
DUPINT or DUP-CHL alarms in the other active to standby
direction, arrange a time with the c ustomer to interchange
the SPE carriers because this interchange will d isrupt
servi ce. If the st andb y SPE is no t cyc ling a s ind icate d by the
flashing yellow LED on the standby Processor c ircuit pack,
use the lock-and-power-d own procedure desc ribed in
Chapter 5 to power down and power up the standby SPE. If
the standby SPE is still not cycling , escalate the problem.