DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1520STO-DATA (Stored Data)
The default for the backup command is ‘‘incremental,’’ meanin g that files on tape
with newer timestamps than those on disk a re not overwritten. This can occur
when a save is made to tape. Save followed b y backup wi ll still work, but time
can be saved by restore disk.
Inconsistency across SPEs
When the SPE is duplicated, disruptions to in ter-SPE communication, or MSS
write s on on e SPE bu t not o n the other , can cau se fil es to be in cons iste nt
betw een d evic es on the d iffe rent SPEs . You can det ect t his s ituat ion b y run ning
list configuration software long and inspecting the timestamps and software
version numbers. Correct proc edure depend s on which device has the correct
boot image.
Disk on Active SPE Has Correct Boot Image:
1. save translation active (2 min)
2. backup disk active (40 min)
3. Put the tape car trid ge f rom th e act ive SPE i nto th e tap e dr ive on the
standby SPE. Put the tape cartridge from the sta ndby SPE into the tape
driv e on th e ac tive SPE.
4. backup disk active (40 min)
5. restore disk standby (40 min)
6. test stored data
Tape on Active SPE Has Correct Boot Image:
1. save translation tape active (2 min)
2. restore disk active (40 min)
3. Put the tape car trid ge f rom th e act ive SPE i nto th e tap e dr ive on the
standby SPE. Put the tape cartridge from the sta ndby SPE into the tape
driv e on th e ac tive SPE.
4. backup disk active (40 min)
5. restore disk standby (40 min)
6. test stored data