DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-366upgrade software
upgrade software DG3v02.
upgrade software DG3v02. no-interchange no-translation
upgrade software DG3v02. call-override version-override
Due to the complexity of this c ommand and the optio ns available, the system will
display the following sc reen and ask for input (ENTER or CANCEL) from the user to
either proceed with the c ommand or to cancel the requ est.
The following display shows a typ ical result when upgrade software
DGv01. is entered on a system with simplex SPE:
version-override This option allows the command to c ontinue if the version specified
is older than the version in memory. This would normally re sult in
the command aborting because the upg rade is not moving to a
newer version of the software. If the version-override op tion is used
and the version on the primary MSS devic e is older than the current
version in memory then the save translation step will b e skipped.
save-translation This option will override the internal system a nd save translation.
The switch will not save translation if the version in memory is
newer than the version to be booted . With this option the translation
will be saved regard less of the software version.
no-translation This option will cause the system not to save translation. When the
upgrade is from an old er to a newer release, the system will save
translation, even if the translation is incomp atible between the two
particular releases. There may be rare oc casions when there may
be this incompatib ility and therefore this option will keep the
translation from being saved on the new version.
preserve-calls The system may automatically not pre serve calls because of the
compatibility ind ex, which signals a p otential memory mismatch
across the processors. Comp atibility index major numb ers must be
identical, and the mino r must either be identical or g reater going
forward for the upgrad e to automatically be call p reserving. This
option will override the software d etermination of call preservation,
and force the memory from the ac tive to be sent to standby
processor in an attempt to preserve calls. This option should be
used with care, bec ause attempting to preser ve calls when the
internal memory layout is not compat ible will result in proces sor
escalation to an eventual reboot.