DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-681DS1 CONV-BD
u. This error indicates that excessive slip s have occurred on the fib er link
between the DS1 CONV board and the Fiber Endpoint. See MO SYNC for
diagnosing slip problems.
System Technician-Demanded T ests: Descripti ons
And Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the table be low. By clearing
error codes associated with the

Failure Audit

for example, you may also clear
errors generated from other tests in the testing seq uence. Tests 788 and 789 are
executed by the TN574 DS1 Converter circuit pack only.
Test #984 is not an actual demand maintenance test. This test numb er is
used to report results of the clear firmwa re-counters command. Refer to
the table for Test #949 to interpret ABORT codes for Test #984.
Reset Test (#787)
This test is destructive.
DS1 CONV circuit pack is reset via the reset board c ommand. When the circuit
pack is reset, firmware executes a series of diagnostic tests on the c ircuit pack.
The results of these tests are queried from the board when the board is inserted
after completion of the reset sequenc e. If any one of the diagnostic test fails, the
error log will have an entry of error type 1 for this circuit pack loc ation, and the
alarm log will have an entry of ON-BOARD MAJOR alarm.
The reset sequence will take about one minute to c omplete.
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence Reset Board
Sequence D/ND1
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestruc tive
Failure Audit (#949) X X ND
DS1 Facilities Connectivity Test (#790) X D
Far-end DS1 CONV Circuit Pack Loopback
Test (#788) (Executed by TN574 only) XD
Far-end Lightwave Transceiver Loopback
Test (#789) (Executed by TN574 only) XD
Board Options Audit (#795) X X ND
Reset Test (#787) X D