DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1628SYSTEM (System)
Notes for SYSTEM Error 605 AUX Data:
1. Follow repa ir ins truct ions i n “STBY- SPE” for the p artic ula r stand by SPE
problem. After fixing that p roblem, try the interchange ag ain.
2. Mass Storage System is in use. Check Disk and Tape LEDs for activity.
Wait until all MSS activity completes, then retry the interchang e again. If
the problem persists, c heck for alarms and errors ag ainst MSS
components and follow the repai r p rocedures for the “MSS” maintenance
3. Test the PKT-INT on both carriers with the long tes t sequence. Follow
procedures for “PKT-INT”. Once
tests of both PKT-INTs pass, try the
interchange again.
4. Consult SW-CTL service documentation. Test SW-CTL on both carriers
with the long test sequenc e. Follow repair instructions for any failures.
tests of both SW-CTLs pass, try the interchange ag ain.
5. Mak e sure t he sta ndb y SPE is re freshe d, th en try the in terc hange agai n.
6. Exam ine al arm lo g to d eter mine w hich of the PKT-INT o r SYSAM c ircu it
packs has a minor alarm ag ainst it. Consult the section in this chap ter for
that circuit pack.
7. Che ck fo r error s or al arms a gain st ac tive SPE’ s SYSAM. I f you fi nd a ny,
cons ult SYSAM servi ce d ocume ntati on. If you fi nd no ne, an d if a ll test s of
the SYSAM long sequence pass, try the interc hange again.
8. Run test duplication-interface long and follow instructions for any test
that does not pass.
1396 3 PKT-INT Link Migration failure in Begin Step *
1397 3 PKT-INT Link Migration denied, (peer test in progress)
1398 3 PKT-INT Link Migration failure in Completion Step *
1399 3 PKT-INT Link Migration failure in Finish Step *
1400 4 Could Not Idle SW-CTL dual port RAM *
1401 4 Could Not Refresh SW-CTL dual port RAM *
1402 5 Internal Error (could not get duplication status)
1403 5 Unable to inhibit Standby Maintenance Monitor
1404 5 Failure to determine Standby SPE alarm status
1406 3 Active SPE’s PKT-INT in held-reset state
1418 8 Active Duplication Interface circuit pack is in a bad state and
needs to be reset.
2500 5 Internal Software failure (* sometimes)
Table 9-615. SYSTEM Error 605 AUX Data, Failure of Planned Interchange