DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Management Terminal
3-13Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification
2. Enter your super-user password in the Password of Login Making
Change field on the Login Administrat ion form.
The 3- to 6-character login name (c haracters 0-9, a-z, A-Z) entered with
the change login [name] command is disp layed in the Login’s Name
3. Enter customer in the Login Type field.
4. Enter super-user or non-super-user in the Service Level field.
You cannot change your own service level.
5. To disable a login following a login sec urity threshold violation, enter y in
the Disable Following a Security Violation field. This field is a
dynamic field and only appears on the Login Ad ministration form when the
SVN Login Violation Notification feature is enabled.
6. To allow access to the remote administration port, enter y in the Access
to INADS Port? field. This field only disp lays if Lucent has first enable d
customer super-user acc ess to the INADS Remote Administration Port.
7. Enter a password for the new login in the Login’s Password field. A
password must be from 4 to 11 c haracters in length and contain at least 1
alphabetic and 1 numeric symbol. Valid charac ters include numbe rs,
and!&*?;’^ (),.:- (the system will not echo the password to the screen as
you type).
8. Re-enter the password in the Login’s Password field . The system will not
echo the password to the sc reen as you type.
9. Enter the number of days (1 to 99) from the c urrent day, when you wish the
password to expire, in the Password Aging Cycle Length fi eld. If a
blank is entered in this field , password aging d oes not apply to the log in.
Administering Login Command Permissions
To administer command permissions, log in as super-user and:
1. Access the Command Permissions Categ ories form by entering th e
command change permissions login [login name]. When the Command
Permission Categories form is disp layed for a login, the default
permissions for that “log in type” are shown on the form. The supe r-user
administering the login c an change a y to n for eac h subcategor y field on
the form.
2. Select a category for the log in and enter y in each field where permission
to perform a administrative or m aintenance action is needed . The
command objec t you select must be within the per missions for the login
type you are administering.
If the Maintenance option is set to y on the Cus tomer Options form, the
super-user can enter y in the Maintain Switch Circuit Packs? or
Maintain Process Circuit Packs fields.