DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-8Replacing SPE Circuit Packs
Replacing Circuit Packs on a Duplicated SPE: Lock-and-Power-Down
By following the lock-and -power-down proce dure, components of a d uplicated
SPE can usually be replaced with no d isruption of service.
In a sy stem with d up lica ted SPEs, a sp ont aneou s SPE int erch ange may
occ ur if the ac tiv e SPE is no t in g ood health and either an unlocked SPE
completes its reboot and handshake is reestablished , or a locked SPE in
which the Standby Maintenanc e Monitor (SMM) is running is unlocked.
Use the status spe command to deter mine the health of the active SPE and
whether an interchange will occ ur.
1. Enter status spe
to verify that the component to b e replaced is on the
standby SPE. If it is, go to step 2.
If the component is on the ac tive SPE, initiate a planned SPE interchange
by entering reset system interchange. If the interchang e fails, there may
be fa ults o n the stand by SPE prev entin g the inte rcha nge. You must eithe r
repa ir the fault on th e stan dby SPE firs t, or f orce an in terc hang e by using
reset system interchange health-override.
Forcing an interchange may d isrupt service. Arrang e to do so at a
time suitable for the customer.
2. Enter status port-network 1 to check the health of the PPN Tone/Clocks.
The Tone/Clock in the same carrier as the active SPE should have a
service state of “in.” If no t, repair it using “TDM-CLK” b efore proceeding .
3. Lock the active SPE.
After grou ndin g yo ursel f, mov e the SPE-SELECT sw itc hes on bot h
DUPINT b oard s, 1 a t a ti me, to the c arri er d esig natio n of t he ac tive SPE.
For exa mple , if t he A c arri er SPE is c urr ently act ive, m ove th e swi tche s to
position “A.”
4. Enter status port-network 1 to verify that the active Tone/Clock is in the
same carrier as the active SPE.
If not, repeat the command until thi s condition is met. If the ac tive
Tone/Clock has not migrated to the active car rier after 1 minute, there is a
Tone/Clock problem. The Tone/Clock problem must be fixed first to avoid
service disruption. See “TDM-CLK” maintenance objec t.