DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-33ATM Tips
DEFINITY Administration
Is ATM PNC administered correctly?
1. Enter list atm pnc on the D EFINITY SAT. Th e cab ine t, ca rrie r and slot
positions of each admin istered TN230X board display as shown in Figure
5-9. Ensure that each board’s physic al location matches the d isplay.
Figure 5-9. Screen output for list atm pnc command
Alternatively, use the list configuration UUC command (non-control
cabinets) to confir m the PPN and EPN board locations and correc t
2. Enter status pnc at the DEFINITY SAT. This display tells you which
TN230X board is active in a dup licated system and how many alarms (if
any) of each severity level have been log ged for the board . Figure 5-10
shows the output from this command .
list atm pnc Page 1 SPE A
Connection # LOC LOC
1 01B02
2 02A01