DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-16Executing a Planned SPE Interchange
If the SPE is loc ked by me ans of the SPE-SEL ECT swit ches , erro r 607, auxiliary
data 1153, is logged against SYSTEM. If the switches are not locked and the
interchange fails, an unalarmed error 605 is logged ag ainst SYSTEM. The
auxiliary code assoc iated with this error indicates whic h aspect of the
interchange failed. Table 5-1 exp lains the meaning of the auxiliary c odes and
what corrective action to take.
Table 5-1. SYSTEM Error 605 Planned Interchange Failure
Data See
Note Explanation
1352 1Standby SOH “non-functional”
1353 1Standby SOH not “functional”
1355 1Hand shake Comm unic ation with St andb y SPE is d own
1356 1Memory Shadowing not enabled
1357 1Standby memory not refreshed
1358 2Mass Storage System was in use
1359 3PKT-INT link migration failed
1360 1Interchange failed1
1361 4SW-CTL failure
1369 7Could not suspend G3-MT connectivity1
1370 4Could not freeze active SW-CTL1
1371 5 Internal Error associated with processor interrupts1
1372 6Minor alarm on sta ndb y SYSAM or PKT-INT
1395 SPE Dupl icat ion no t admi niste red
1396 3PKT-INT Link Migration failure in Begin Step1
1397 3PKT-INT Link Migration denied, (peer test in p rogress)
1398 3PKT-INT Link Migration failure in Completion Step1
1399 3PKT-INT Link Migration failure in Finish Step1
1400 4Could Not Idle SW-CTL dual port RAM1
1401 4Could Not Refresh SW-CTL dual port RAM1
1402 5Internal Error (could not get d uplication status)
1403 5 Unable to inhibit Standb y Maintenance Monitor
1404 5Failur e to d eterm ine Sta ndb y SPE alar m sta tus
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