DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1214PGATE-PT (Packet Gateway Port)
If a destination number is spec ified, verify that it is a valid extension on the
other machine. If the other machine is a DEFINITY Generic 3, follow the
procedure in the sec tion that follows this one. If not, refer to the
maintenance maintenance doc umentation for the other machine.
If the link or channel is not known, scan the identification field for the
known machine name that has link connec tivity to this machine. For each
line of data that matches, record the entire line. For links with remote
destination numbers, remove the TAC and verify that the numb er is valid
on the other machine. For Generic 3 machin es this can be done using the
procedure in the sec tion following this one. If there are no matches, you
must go back to the oth er machine and find out the c hannel number or the
application that uses the c hannel before continuing.
3. display station extension
Record the port associated with the extension.
4. If the destination number field i s not ‘‘external,’’ then the number is a valid
extension on another machine. The destination numb er can also be
combined with a TAC. Run list trunk-group to find if a TAC is prepended
to the destination number. Record the trunk-group if a TAC has been
5. Check the alarm and error log s for each extension, trunk-group or link. If
alarms or errors are present follow the repair p rocedures for that MO.
6. If the link continues to another machine, Use the channel number,
application, and identification field to c ontinue the trace there. Repeat this
procedure for Generic 3 machines.
Tracing a Link Given a Port or Trunk
1. display port UUCSSpp
a. Find out if the port connec ts to a data module or a trunk.
b. Record its extension or trunk group .
c. If it is a trunk group, run display trunk g roup#/member#. Record
the trunk access cod e (TAC) and go to the next step.
2. display communications-interface links
a. Find the link that has the extension, destination numb er or TAC
located in the previous step . The TAC may be combined with a
remote extension.
b. Record the link, X.25 port, de stination # or TAC and identification
If the administration was done ac cording to the doc umentation
guidelines, the identific ation field may contain what ap plication is
running. This will give you some idea as to what other problems
might be related and the priority for fixing this prob lem.