DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-245status conference
Drop Reason
Pre-AnsDrop The call disconnecte d before answer by an end point.
The cause of the disconnec t may be the network, an endp oint, or a
terminal adapter. This drop reas on is different from ‘No-answer,’ which
indicates that a 60-secon d timeout occurred while alerting. In this case,
the call drops b efore the 60-second timer has exp ired. Some busy
endpoints connec ted through terminal ad apters display this b ehavior.
Resource MCU could not provid e resources (VC or MMI) when the call
arrived or lost the resources d uring the call. This cou ld be due to them
being Out of Service, busi ed out by craft, or b eing used by sys tem
maintenance. This drop reason co uld also occur if the DS1/MMI cab le is
disconnected . If there was a resource prob lem when the call arrived, it
would get reorder (fast b usy) and not get d isconnected b y the MCU.
Password Either the user entered the wrong password or the audio
add-on user did not enter it within the specified time period. Note that
the audio add-on user g ets one attempt to enter a c orrect password and
inter-digit timing for eac h digit (that is, about 1 0 seconds between
System An MCU restart (level 2) disconnec ted all calls.
UIN-Inv The user entered an invalid User Identi fication Number.
Unknown The system could not determine the c ause of the disconnec t.
Wrong-num This dial-out drop reason oc curs when the MCU detec ts
the wrong destination number was d ialed. This drop reason is de tected
by MCU CPTR resources SDN cause value. See “Dial-out” for deta ils.
UCC controller intentionally disc onnected the end point.
AC Num Administered Connection Number - from 1 to 128. AC number c an be
used to further diagnose a problem by c ombining status con ference
information with the status administered connection command and
data stored in the error and alarm logs.
Ports Trunk The data endpoint that the ch annel is using.
Ports Video The MMI port for the channel.
Ports Aud If the endpoint type is no t “UCC,” the VC audio encod er port (which is
always paired to a d ecoder port) for the c hannel (only the first channel).
Because only one audio enc oder port is allocated per endpoi nt, it
appears together with the ESM data p ort in the endpoint’s c hannel 1
port slot position of the Port Aud/ESM col umn . For “UCC” endpoint
type, the channel 1 por t slot position displays the allocated Call
Classifier resource.
Ports ESM The Expansion Service Module MMI data por t. This field is always blank.
Sum Grp Endpoint’s assigned su mmer group number. The summer g roup port
assignments are on screen 1.
software For Lucent Technologies use only.