DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1265PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
2 FAIL The Private Level 2 looparound test failed. The circuit pack will enter a fatal
fault state when this occurs and the Packet Interface Maintenance software
should put the circuit in a out-of-service state. Therefore by the time further
action is taken, it is expected that the test will abort with ABORT code 1137
and a demand reset should be used to test the circ uit p ack.
1. Reset the circuit pack using the reset packet-interace CS command.
Refer to the repair procedures for the Packet Interface Reset Test (#889)
for further action.
2. If the test continues to fail, replace the Packet Interface circuit pack.
3 FAIL The Private Link Level 3 looparound test failed. The circuit pack may still be
1. Retry the command.
2. If the test continues to fail with the same error code:
a. If the system is not equipped with the High Reliability or Critical
Reliability Configuration replace the Packet Interface circuit pack.
b. If the system is equipp ed with the High Reliability or Critical Reliability
Configuration and if the Packet Interface circuit pack is on the standby
SPE, repl ace th e circ uit p ack o n the st andb y SPE.
c. If the system is equipp ed with the High Reliability or Critical Reliability
Configuration and if the Packet Interface circuit pack is on the active
3. Perform a planned SPE interchange by entering the command reset
system interchange. Use the status spe command to determine when
refresh is complete (between 2 to 10 minutes, depending on system size)
and retry the test command.
4. If the tes t of the circ uit pa ck on the sta ndby SPE conti nues to fail, replac e
that circuit pack.
PASS All the private looparound tests passed. The circuit pack is functioning
properly. If the system is still unable to place calls on cabinets other than the
SPE cabi net, t h en:
1. Display the error log using the command display errors and check for
errors on the Packet Bus and Maintenance/Test circuit pack. Clear those
errors first.
2. Check all other circuit packs c onnected to the Packet Bus in the same
cabinet. Packet Bus failures are likely to be caused by a faulty circuit pac k
connected to the backplane or b ent p ins on the back plane. Refer to the
PKT-BUS maintenance documentation for repair procedures.
Table 9-499. TEST #885 Private Looparound Tests — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page