DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Depending on what c ondition is sensed, a message is returned stating that either
the EPF was turned on successfully with no prob lems or that an overcurrent
condition is sensed. This resp onse is reported b y the Electronic Power Feed
Inquiry (#622), which follows in the testing sequence. EPF Restoral is attempted
again by this test five secon ds later. This test always passes for the TN2198
because it has no EPF. This test will always abort when run on the TN2208.
Level 1 Status Inquiry Test (#621)
This test determines the state of the transmission facility of a BRI por t at the
physical layer (that is, Level 1). Level 1 c an be in one of three possib le states:
Activated, Pending Ac tivation, or Deactivated.
The Activated state is the correct stat e for an ISDN-BRI port. In this state the
Level 1 interface can c ommunicate with the BRI endpoint or ASAI or Lucen t
adjunct administered on this port. This test passes if the state of Lev el 1 (L1) is
Activated. This test also passes if software has taken this port out of service. S e e
the description of the Leve l 1 ‘‘Deactivated State’’ below for more details.
The Pending Activation state indic ates a problem with the end points or adjunct,
the wiring to the sets or adjunct, or the BRI-LINE circuit pack. When in this state,
the Level 1 interface is either not receiving any L1 framing from the endp oint or
adjunct (Endpoint Id le), or it is communicating with the endpoint or ad junct but
cannot transition to the Activated state (Endpoint Active).
Table 9-142. TEST #620 Electronic Power Feed Restoral
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1005 ABORT This test is not valid for this port type. The TN2208 does not have an
electronic power feed, and the test will abort.
2012 ABORT Internal System Error.
1. Retry the command at one-minute intervals a maximum of five times.
2. If the test continues to abort, escalate the problem.
PASS The EPF Test passed. The message to turn on the power feed to the station
or the adjunct was successfully sent to the port.
1. Although this test should not return a fail result, after running this test,
the Error Log should be checked for any entries with error type 257 to
examine the real results of this test.
2. An error type of 257 in the Error Log indicates some problem with the
power to the station or the adjunct. Check for a short in the wiring, a
damaged jack, a defective voic e term inal or ad junct, or an incorrect
type of terminal.