DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Additional Maintenance Procedures
6-5Software updates
Restoring the System after an Update
During software updates, inc luding call-p reserving updates, several feature
settings are lost. These must be manually restored afterward .
Re-enter all Maintenance Object b usyouts.
Re-enter wakeup calls and d o-not-disturb stations.
Restore attendant feature settings.
Notify Administration and ACD users that the up date is comple te.
Re-enable TTI changes by the change system-parameters features.
On the change system-parameters maintenance form, restore Alarm
Orig inati on, Sav e Transla tions , CPE Ala rm Le vel an d SPE Int erch ange
fields and Scheduled Daily Maintenance times to their orig inal settings.
Manually reset any speakerphones whic h derive power from the switc h by
pressing the button on the voic e terminal.
Backing Out of a Software Update
If fatal hardware errors or memory faults prevent the upd ate from completing, the
system must be recovered and the update bac ked out. If the update c ommand
has already been entered, follow nor mal escalation proced ures. Backing out
after this point is hazardous and may leave the system in a corrupted state.
Software Update Procedure Simplex SPE
After making the preparations d escribed ab ove, execute the following seq uence
of steps, entering the comma nds shown in bold typ e. This part of the proced ure
normally takes about 3 1/2 hours. Screen output for eac h command is desc ribed
in Chapter 8, ‘‘Maintenance Commands’’. If errors are encountered after entering

update software

command, follow normal esc alation procedures. Avoid
touching the keyboard while the save or upgrade c ommands are running sinc e
doing so may cause d iagnostic messag es to be lost.