DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1498STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
Other Mechanisms: Status Command and SPE-Down Interface
There a re ce rtain maint enan ce to ols av ailab le f or de aling with the st and by SPE
which can be used regardless of the state of handshake c ommunication or
memory shadowing.
Always start with and continue to use status spe to determine comp letely the
status of the standby SPE.
When handshake communication is d own, there is no access from the usual
G3-MT c onne ctio n to t est th e stan dby. In thi s cas e, loc kin g the acti ve SPE wit h
the switches has no harmful effect on swit ch service and allows ter minal access
into t he sta ndb y SPE via t he SPE-Do wn or SPE-Loc ked I nterf ace. With th is
interface, you can run low leve l tests on individual c omponents and request
rebo ots of the st andb y SPE. Whe never the SPEs a re loc ked and t he SPE-Lo cked
Interface is in use. Instructions on how to bring up and use this interface are
desc rib ed in Chap ter 4. When us ing t his to ol, d o not u nloc k the SPE u ntil a ll tes ts
of sta ndb y SPE com pone nts h ave p assed .
Recent Interchange Mode
The eve nt of a spo ntane ous SPE in terc hang e is in tend ed t o be a rare e vent a nd
reflec ts a serio us har dware fail ure on t he fo rmerl y act ive SPE. G enera lly, wh en
such an interchange has oc curred, that SPE (now standby) requ ires diagnosis
and repair action. There should b e information in the error and alarm log s to
indicate the spec ific problem. System software will attemp t to establish
handshake communication w ith the SPE, refresh its memory, bring it into service
as a st andb y SPE, an d di agn ose it s prob lem s.
Regardless of any succes s in bringing that stand by SPE into service, software
will n ot imp rove the SOH of tha t SPE unti l eith er:
Technician-demanded testing addresses the prob lem
One hour has passed sinc e the interchange
This mode, called Recent Interch ange Mode, is reported on the status spe
screen and serves to prevent furt her interchanges from occ urring too quickly.
Add ition ally, a m inor alarm with e rror 1 03 is l ogg ed a gain st STBY-SPE a nd th e
SOH of t hat SPE is allow ed to get no be tter t han
partially functional

Troubleshooting a Duplicated SPE

in Chapter 5 describ es an approach to
diagnosing p roblems under this cond ition.