DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1248PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
refresh the standby’s memory. It takes several minutes after a Packet Interf ace
circ uit p ack on the stand by SPE is res et be fore m emory refre sh of t he sta ndb y
SPE is complete. During that time, demand tests of the standb y Packet Interface
circuit will abort.
Service States
Packet Interface maintenance software main tains a state variable that keeps
track of the in-service/out-of-servic e state of each Packet Interfac e circuit pack.
In a system equipped with a single SPE, if maintenance software detects that a
Packet Interface circuit p ack has a ‘‘fatal fault’’, it will automatical ly attempt to
reset that circuit pack as quickly as possib le. An extensive set of diagnostic tests
are run when the circuit pac k is reset.
If the circuit pac k diagnostic tests d o not pass in a system without dup licated
SPEs, the failing Packet Interface circuit pac k is placed in an ou t-of-service state.
All links handled by that circuit pack will g o out of service. This is a disrup tive
action since establishe d calls associated with telephones connected to
Expansion Port Networks are dropped as a result of the EPNs being taken out of
If the system is equipped with duplicated SPEs and if the standby SPE has an
acceptabl e state-of-health, an SPE interchange will occur instead of a reset of
the Packet Interface circuit pack. This is less disruptive than a reset since stable
calls are not disconnec ted.
A Packet Interface circuit p ack will also be put in the ‘‘out-of-service’’ state if the
circuit pack has reported a fatal fault at system initializa tion time or if the circuit
pack has been reset b y background maintenance three times within the last 15
minutes, whether or not the Reset test passes. The state of a Packet Interfac e
circuit pack c an be determined by using the status packet-interface c ommand.
Duplication Impact
The Packet Interface circuit p ack is a single p oint of failure in a system that is not
equi ppe d wit h dup lic ated SPEs. If this i s not a cc epta ble, cust omers have the
option of upgrad ing to a configuration with a d uplicated SPE processor co mplex
as part of the High Reliability or Critic al Reliability Configuration. the p revious
figure shows the configuration with duplicated processors. The following
concepts ap ply only when the processors are d uplicated.
Configuration Mismatch
The number and position of Packet Interfac e circuit pac ks on the standby
SPE must match exactly the number and positi on of Packet Interface
circ uit p ack s on th e ac tive SPE. If thi s is no t the c ase, a MAJ OR alar m is
raised against a missing Packet Interface circuit p ack on the standb y SPE
and a WARNING alarm is raised against extra Packet Interfac e circuit
pac ks on t he sta ndb y SPE.