DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-41busyout host-adapter
If neither PNC is specified, the c ommand defaults to a-pnc.
Duplex PNC: busyout fiber-link 01 b-pnc busyout fiber-link 03 (defaults to
busyout host-adapter
busyout host-adapter C
The busyout host-adapter comm and puts the host-adap ter circuit on the
MSSNET circuit pack into a maintenance busy stat e. When the host-adapter is
busied out, the tape and disk devices on the s ame carrier are also busied out,
and warning alarms with error typ e 526 are raised against DISK and TAPE. The
tape and disk d o remain available for maintenance testing . This command will
abort if any other MSS operation has already b egun.
When the host-adapter is out of service d ue to test failures, or uninstalled due to
a reset failure, the related tape and disk devices are also p laced in the
uninstalled state. All acc ess by system software, maintenance tests, and
commands, includ ing reset, are blocked from execution.
fiber# The administered number assig ned to the fiber link. (In a system with
duplicated PNC, this represents a fiber link pair.) List fiber-link disp lays a list of
all fiber links with their numbers, end points, and other useful information.
a-pnc If PNC is duplicated, this id entifier is used to distinguish b etween the two fibers
of a duplicated pair. For non duplicated PNC “a-pnc” is th e only valid qualifier.
b-pnc On a system with duplicated PNC, this identifier distinguish es between the two
fibers of a duplic ated fiber pair. This id entifier is invalid on a system with
simplex PNC.