DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-701DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
No add or remove commands are associated with the Duplication Interfac e
circuit packs.
In-line errors
If sta ndb y SPE soft ware d etec ts pr oble ms wit h the s tand by Du plic atio n Inte rfac e
circuit pack, it w ill report these via the handshake to the ac tive. The report will
indicate one of the following :
An error in read ing or writing one or more of the reg isters on the circuit
A p roblem with local loop around test
A p roblem with the HFAIL bit being set
The last error is a bit set by the Duplic ation Interface circuit pack’s hardware
indicating a p ossible problem with the multip lexing of address and data during
memory shadowing. No tests c an retire these alarms reported b y standby
software. If the software stops reporting the errors, the al arms will be retired in
about 15 minutes.
Other types of in-line errors are catastrophic ones resulting from FIFO overflow or
Remote SPE Error interrupts. If these errors cause an alar m, shadowing will be
turned off until the alarm is resolved. Alar ms from these errors and the other
in-line errors can be resolved by executing test duplication-interface long clear
with no tests failing.
MAJOR vs. MINOR alarms
DUP-CHL may have MAJOR or MINOR alarms. MAJOR alarms cause memory
shadowing to be turned off. MINOR Alarms do not. DUP-CHL alarms do not lower
the Sta ndb y State of Hea lth an d do not c ause a n SPE inte rchan ge.
Tests run by DU P-CHL ar e dir ecti onal i n natur e: the y are ru n by t he ac tive SPE o n
the standby SPE. Failures of these tests are logged ag ainst the standby
Duplication Interface circuit pack. Conseq uently, should an interchange oc cur,
alarms logged ag ainst DUP-CHL associated with the formerly stand by, now
acti ve SPE ca n not b e res olved . An in terc hang e is re quire d to a llow t estin g to
resolve or clear these directional al arms.
MO interactions
test duplication-interface runs DUPINT and DUP-CHL non-destructive tests.
test duplication-interface long clear runs DUPINT and DUP-CHL destructive
and non-destructive tests, a nd requires that the standb y SPE be busied out.
Busyi ng ou t the s tand by SPE tu rns of f memo ry sha dowi ng an d low ers th e heal th
of the standby to
. This p reve nts an SPE inter chan ge.