DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Tape Audit Test (#811)
The Tape Audit Test verifies the following Tape Medium conditions.
The directory can be read.
There are no "dirty" files. A file is said to be "dirty" if the data in the file is not
complete or if the direc tory entry for that file was not updated after the
data was written to the device.
The tape has not exceeded th e number of passes recommend ed by the
manufacturer. If the tape has exc eeded 90% of the manufacturer’s
recommended limit of ac cesses, the tape should be replaced . An alarm
indicating this will ap pear nightly after sc heduled maintenance i s
executed. This alarm can b e retired by issuing the reset t ape command.
PASS The Tape write-read test succeeded. Check other test results to see if it is
operating correc tly.
1. See the MSS Error Actions table at the end of the section on TAPE.
Table 9-619. TEST #811 Tape Audit Test
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
1316 ABORT Could not get access to the Mass Storage System. Other application software
may be using it or background maintenance tests may be running.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals for a maximum of 5 retries.
2. If the test continues to abort, verify that the daily translation-save operation
is not in progress (issue the display system-parameters maintenance
command to display the time for scheduled maintenance and the "y/n"
option for saving translation daily).
1335 ABORT Could not run the test on the Standby SPEDuplication not administered.
1. Refer to the documentation for STBY-SPE maintenance.
2. Administer standby present.
Continued on next page
Table 9-618. TEST #810 Tape Write-Read Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page