DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1792TONE-BD (Tone-Clock Circuit Pack)
appropriate circ uit pack cod e and replace the Tone-Clock circuit p ack
according to the procedures indic ated for this system. The meanings of
the aux data values are as follows:
m. Error Type 3329The system attempted but failed to interchang e
Tone-Clock circuit packs. (This error occ urs only in Port Networks with
duplicated Tone-Clocks.) The fault may lie in the standby Tone-Clock or in
the circuit pac k that controls selection of the active Tone-Clock (the
t/c selector
). The goal of the following proce dure is to ensure that both
Tone-Clocks can be interchanged into while either t/c-selector ci rcuit pack
is active.
1. Examine the Error Log for errors reported against c ircuit packs in
the same Port Network, paying spec ial attention to TDM-CLK,
TONE-BD , DUPIN T, SW-CTL, and EXP-I NTF. Foll ow the proc edur es
indicated for any suc h errors found. After eliminating the above
potential problem sources, proceed with the following steps.
2. Determine which circuit p ack was controlling the c hoice of
Tone-Clock at the time the error occurred.
For a PPN, the t/c selector is the DUPINT circuit pack on the
��For an EPN , the t /c se lect or is t he act ive EXP-I NTF cir cuit
pack that is connec ted to the PPN. This is EXP-INTF 2A01 or
2B02 for EPN1 and 3A01 or 3B02 for EPN2.
The t/c-selector circuit p ack of interest is the one which was ac tive
at the time th e error was lo gge d. An EXP- LNK int erch ange s ince the
time of the error may have made that circ uit pack the current
standby. Determine whether an interchang e affecting the t/c
selector has occurred since the TONE-BD error. When investigation
an EPN Tone- Cloc k, look for EXP-L NK entr ies in the ha rdwar e error
log f or PNC i nterc hang es, wh ich wo uld a ffec t the EXP-I NTF.
3. If the t/c selector has not und ergone an interchange sinc e the error
occurred, go to the n ext step. If such an interchange h as taken
place, interchang e back to the formerly active t/c selector. Use the
1001 A TN756 Tone-Clock circuit pack is in the PPN of a one port network
system without High or Critical Reliability (Multicarrier Cabinet).
1002 A TN756 Tone-Clock circuit pack is in the EPN of a one port network
system without High or Critical Reliability (Multicarrier Cabinet).
1003 Either a TN741 or TN714 Tone-Clock circuit pack (instead of a TN768,
TN780 or TN2182) is in a one port network system without High or
Critical Reliability (Multicarrier Cabinet).
1004 Either a TN741 or TN714 Tone-Clock circuit pack (instead of a TN768,
TN780 or TN2182) is in a High or Critical Reliab ility system.
1005 Same as for aux value 1004.