DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-66clear errors
clear errors
clear errors
The clear errors command mov es all errors and resolved alarms to the c leared
errors list, thereby making room for new inc oming error messages which mig ht
otherwise be dropp ed. This command does not clear active alarms from the
alarm log. Cleared error entries are the first entries o verwritten when additional
room is needed to log new ent ries. To retrieve cleared errors, use display errors
Use this command with care. Cleared data will be lost if the log s fill up.
clear firmware-counters
clear firmware-counters UUCSS | a-pnc | b-pnc
This command clears the firmware error c ounters on the specified circuit
packs(s). This command is valid only for SNI, SNC, and DS1C board locations.
When a- or b-pnc is spec ified, all such c ircuit packs in a sing le PNC can be
cleared at once. On a Critic al Reliability systems (dupli cated PNC), only circuit
packs on a standb y PNC that is busied out can be cleared.
This command is useful for quic kly clearing ling ering alarms after a hardware
problem has been fixed . (Test clear commands do not c lear alarms on SNI,
SNC, and DS1C circuit packs.)
No Answer
Time-Out Most off-the-shelf external modems provid e a timer that abandons
any outbound data c all after a predetermined interval. Some
modems provide for this tim er to be disabled , thus allowing an
outbound call to ring indefinitely. AT&T Paradyne does not provid e
this capability with their m odem line, because it is g enerally
undesirable to have an outboun d call attempt ring indefinitely.
The internal modem must have this parameter disa bled or set to at
least 255 seconds.
This is a non-administrable parameter. For the external modem
connection, this paramete r will be the first initialization string to b e
transmitted to the external modem. This field will be visible on the
administration form in disp lay mode only.
This hardcoded constant can be overriden for type approval
applications, sp ecifically in the U.K and other Western European
nations, by the use of the “Misc . Init. Param:” field. (S7=255)