DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-793EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
An Expansion Interface circ uit pack yellow LED blinks slowly when a No
Neighbor condi tion exists (0.5 seconds on, 0.5 sec onds off) and Test #237
fails on this Expansion Interface circ uit pack, but Test #238 passes.
An SNI circuit pack with a no neig hbor conditi on blinks its yellow LED
slowly (0.5 seconds on, 0.5 sec onds off) and Test #759 fails on this SNI
circuit pack, b ut Test #989 passes.
If a Tone-Clock in an EPN that does not provide the current on-line
synchronization reference (see status synchronization) is p roviding an
invalid system cloc k :
In a direct connec t configuration
, the PPN Expansion Interface circuit
pack yellow LED will blink q uickly (Fiber Out-of-Frame condition - 0.1
seconds on, 0.1 seconds off).
Test #238 fails on this Expansion Interface circuit pac k.
In a CSS configuration
, the SNI connected to the EPN Expansion Interface
circuit pack blinks its yellow LED quickly (Fiber Out-of-Frame condition -
0.1 seconds on, 0.1 seconds off).
The EPN Expansion Interface circuit pack y ellow LED blinks slowly
(In-frame, No Neighbor cond ition - 0.5 seconds on, 0.5 se conds off).
If the EPN is in-service, Test #237 fails on this Expansion Interface circuit
pack, but Test #238 passes.
These symptoms can also be the result of other p roblems (for example, one half
of the fiber being unable to transmi t data). If the system exhibits these symptoms,
execute the following proc edure:
1. Verify that the EPN stays down for at least 1 minute.
If the EAL comes back in servic e after a short time, without switching the
Active Tone-Clock, the problem was prob ably that the on-line
synchronization source bec ame invalid (See SYNC Maintenance
documentation for more information).
However, if the EAL (s) have not come back into servic e after a minute, the
synchronization source is not the c ause of the problem. Proceed to Step 2.
2. Check for errors via the display errors command with the Category field
set to tone and the Active alarms f ield set to n. Some of the alarms on EPN
objects might have b een resolved if the EPN went down. Refer to the
appropriate MO Maintenanc e documentation for d escriptions of any of the
errors occ urri ng at abou t the s ame t ime as the EXP-PN error s, SYS-LI NK
errors against EAL s, RNLs, or LNLs, or FIBER-LK (769, 1025, or 1281)
errors. Resolve any active alarms. Also, if Error Type 18 was logged
against the SYNC MO when the EPN went down, the problem was
probably that the synchroniza tion on-line reference became invalid . Since
reference switching was d isabled, the Tone-Clock did not switc h from the
invalid reference. Therefore, the Tone-Clock circuit pac k put out a system