DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-705DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
7. Hard switc h int o the s tand by SPE b y mov ing b oth SPE Se lec t
switc hes t o the posi tion t hat se lec ts the stand by SPE as
8. After the interchange, use the busyout spe-standby
comm and. If th e SPE Selec t swi tche s are n ot in the au to
position, move the switches to the auto p osition. Use the test
duplication-interface long clear command to resolve the
DUPINT and DUP-CHL alarms. If any DUPINT or DUP-CHL
test fails, use the repair strategy for that test.
9. If no DUPINT nor DUP-CHL tests fail, the DUPINT and
DUP-CHL alarms are resolved or cleared in both d irections
so rele ase th e sta ndb y SPE from the b usyou t con diti on usi ng
the release spe-standby command and w ait (about 10
minutes) for the standby SPE to be refreshed as observed
with the status spe command.
Aux Data 3: Remote Duplication Interfac e circuit pack FIFO
Execute the test duplication-interface long clear command to
resolve this alarm. If any DUPINT or DUP-CHL test fails, use the
repair strategy for that test.
System Technician-Demanded T ests: Descripti ons
and Error Codes
Always investigate tests in the order p resented in the table b elow. By clearing
error codes associated with the
SMM Channel test
for example, you may also
clear errors generated from other tests in the testing sequence.
Order of Investigation Short Test
Sequence Long Test
Sequence Reset Board
Sequence D/ND1
1. D = Destructive; ND = Nondestruc tive
Status Register Comparison Test (#980) X X ND
Remote Loop-Around Test (#869) X D
Dup Mailbox Test (#874) X X ND
Remote Error Interrupt Test (#875) X X ND
Memory Shadowing Test (#876) X X ND
State-of-Health Test (#873) X D
Memory Shadowing Disable Test (#872) X D
FIFO Full Interrupt Test (#871) X D