DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Architecture
1-10Maintenance Objects
Maintenance Objects
The system is partitioned into sep arate entities called maintenanc e objects
(MOs). Each MO is monitored by the system and has its own maintenance
strategy. Most MOs are individual c ircuit packs suc h as the processor circ uit
pac k (PROC) and expa nsion inter fac e cir cuit pac k (EXP-IN TF). Som e are
hardware components that reside on p art of a circuit pac k. For example, the TDM
bus clock (TDM-CLK) and ton e generator (TONE-PT) circuits reside on the
tone/clock circuit pack (TONE-BD). Others represent larger subsystems or sets
of mon itors , suc h as ex pan sion p ort n etwor k (EXP-PN) and cab inet
environmental sensors (CABINET).
Finally, some MOs represent processes or comb inations of processes and
hardware, such as synchronization (SYNC) and d uplicated p ort network
connectivity (PNC-DUP). The above abbreviations are

maintenance names

recorded in the error and alar m logs. Individual c opies of a given MO are further
Cabinet Enter cabinet number (1 - 44)
Port Network Enter port network number (1 - 44)
Board Number Enter 5-character board numb er in UUCSS format:
cabinet (1-44), carrier (A-E), slot (0-20)
Port Enter 7-character port add ress in UUCSSss format:
cabinet (1-44), carrier (A-E), slot (0-20), circuit
Category Enter category name (choose 1 from the list below:
adm-conn announce bri/asai cdr data-mod
detector dup-spe environ exp-intf ext-dev
generatr inads-link infc maint mass-st
mbus memory misc mmi mnt-test
modem mssnet p kt pms/jrnl pnc
pncmaint pnc-peer procr quick-st s-syn
spe stabd stacrk stations sys-link
sys-prnt tape tdm tone trkbd
trkcrk trunks vc vsp wideband
Extension Enter assigned extension, or blank
Group Enter group number between 1 -666
Member Enter group member between 1 -255, or blank