DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-216status access-endpoint
status access-endpoint
status access-endpoint extension [print]
This command displays the operational of a non-signaling port on a DS1
interface or on an analog tie trunk c ircuit pack.
spe-active On d upli cate d sys tems , a res tart o n the acti ve SPE wi ll ca use a c ore
dump to b e tak en on t he ac tive SPE.

A core dump per formed with the spe-active option causes a

service disruption.

spe-maint On a duplicated system, if a restart of a designated level occurs on the
acti ve SPE, a c ore dump will be t aken o n the stand by SPE w itho ut a
refresh of its memory first.
spe-smm On a duplicated system, if a restart of a designated level occurs on the
stand by SPE, a co re du mp w ill b e tak en on t he st andb y SPE. Th is ca n be
useful to debug Standb y Maintenance Monitor (SMM) prob lems.