DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-370CARR-POW (Carrier Power Supply)
CARR-POW (Carrier Power Supply)
DEFINITY systems support two different cabinet types : multi-carrier and
single-carrier. Single-carr ier cabinets are used only for EPNs. Both cab inet types
may be powered b y either AC or DC external power source. Environmental
maintenance differs acc ording to cab inet type and external p ower supply.

Before powering down a c abinet or carrier that contains DEFINITY AUDIX

circuit packs (TN566), first p ower down the AUDIX unit to avoid damag ing

the AUDIX software. Instructions for powering d own this unit are in the

‘‘DEFINITY AUDIX S ystem P ower P r ocedures’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors,

and Troubleshooting’’, on the circuit pac k, and in DEFINITY AUDIX


The CARR-POW maintenance object represents the pair of power supplies that
supply +5V, -48V and -5 VDC power to ea ch carrier in a multi-car rier cabinet. In
AC-powered cabin ets, these are called Off Line Switches (OLS); in DC-po wered
cabinets, they are DC/DC converte rs.

Cycling Power Supplies

When a port carrier power sup ply problem is rep orted by hardware, the sys tem
can cycle the p ower supplies in that c arrier. When a carrier is cycled , the power
supplies are turned off for 2 s econds and then turn ed back on. The system
cannot cycle the p ower supplies on any of the fol lowing types carr iers even if
they are duplicated:
PPN control carrier
Expansion control carrier
Switch node carrier
Single-carrier cabinet

When port carrier power is c ycled, all servic e dependent up on circuit pac ks

in that carrier are disrupted.

MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm Level Initial Command to
is the universal cabinet number (1 for PPN, 2-44 for EPNs),
is the carrier desig nation (A,
B, C, D, or E). Cycle the carrier indicated by the PORT field in the alarm log.
Full Name of MO
CARR-POW MAJOR Cycle carrier
Carrier Port Power Supply