DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-365upgrade software
upgrade software
Simpl ex:
upgrade software to-version [version-override] [save-translation |
upgrade software to-version [call-override] [no-interchange]
[version-override] [preserve-calls | no-calls] [save-translation |
This command is a single user c ommand; that only status command s may be
executed while this comma nd is running; all other comm ands will be bloc ked.
Simplex: In a simplex system this comma nd will result in translation being saved to
the primary device, followed by a reboot of the p rocessor with loading of
the new software and translation data, and any field updates from the
primary MSS device. When completed, service is restored.
Duplex: In a d upli cate d SPE sys tem, t he up grad e so ftware com mand will s ave
translation, reboot the standb y SPE with new software from its primary MSS
device, load translations, ap ply any field upd ates, initiate an interchange of
the SPE’s, and begin providing service to the system. Normally the
inter chan ge of the SPEs w ill re sult i n mini mal se rvic e di srup tion. In ca ses
where the new software load is incomp atible with the existing load , the
system may perform a service-d isrupting reboot .
to-version This qualifier identifies the s oftware version. This qualifier is
checked ag ainst the data on the MSS device to verify that the
correct software version is b eing loaded and that the software
version is the same or newer that the version in memory.
no-interchange This option is only available in dup licated systems and provides the
technician the ability to reb oot the standby proc essor with the
software on the standby primary MSS device, apply any
field-updates and yet have the standby SPE remain the standby.
The duplex default is to interc hange the processors, u pon a
succ essf ul bo ot of t he sta ndb y SPE.
call-override This option is only available in d uplicated systems a nd allows the
command to continue, even if the command will result in a reset
level 2 of the processor. Normally, the command would print an
error message if it was able to d etermine if the reset was
necessary. This reset would cause all c alls in the system to be