DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
BRI Set Audits Test (#630)
This is a series of two tests which are classified as audits. The switch sends
messages to the BRI endpoint to p erform the following tests:
Ringer Audit - This audit insures that both the sw itch and the endp oint
agree as to the current state of the endp oint’s ringer.
Lamps Audit - This audit insures that b oth the switch and the endp oint
agree as to the current state of the endp oint’s lamps.
Call Activity Audit - This audit insures that the st ate of calls is consistent
between the switch and the en dpoint.
This test is not executed for ASAI or Lucent ad junct because ad juncts do not
employ ringers or lamp s, or establish calls on the B-c hannels associated with the
BRI interface.
2000 FAIL No response is received from the endpoint or the ad junct. For BRI
1. Consult the endpoint documentation to determine if ISDN-BRI
Management and Maintenance Procedures are supported. If not
supported, use the change station extension command to c hange the
‘‘MIMs Supported?’’ field to ‘‘no.’’ U se the busyout station extension
and release station extension commands to busyout and release the
endpoint to resolve any end point alarms resulting from failure of this
2. If the endpoint supports these p rocedures and the test continues to fail,
assume the endpoint is d efective and rep lace it.
PASS The endpoint has succ essfully responded to the switch’s app lication
Table 9-154. TEST #629 BRI Layer 3 Query — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page