DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Alarms, Errors, and Troubleshooting
5-106Packet Bus Fault Isolation and Repair
b. Insert the same circuit p ack.
5. If the backplane p ins are not bent:
a. Replace the circuit p ack (reinsert the old one if a replac ement is not
6. Turn the power back and allow the system to reb oot. This may take up to
12 minutes. Log in at the terminal.
7. Determine if the packet b us fault is still present. If not, you are finished.
If the problem is still present,
a. If the old circuit p ack was reinserted in Step 5, replac e the circuit pack,
and repeat Procedure 3.
b. If the circuit pac k was replaced in Step 5, rep eat Procedure 3 for the next
SPE circ uit p ack.
If Procedure 3 fails to identify the caus e of the problem, go to Procedure 4.
For a system with duplicated SPEs:
1. For SPE circuit packs, follow the ‘‘Replacing Circuit Packs on a Duplicated
SPE: Lock-and-Power-Down’’ procedure within th e ‘‘Replacing SPE Circuit
Packs’’ section to remove and replace th e circuit pack.
2. To remove an EPN Tone/Clock circuit p ack, use set tone-clock if
necessary to make the suspec t circuit pack the stan dby. (Always check
the status of the standby Tone/Clock with status port network before
executing an interchang e.)
3. Determine if the backpl ane pins in the removed circuit p ack’s slot are
4. If the pins are bent:
a. Power down the carrier if it is not already.
b. Straighten or replace the p ins.
c. Insert the same circuit p ack.
d. Restore power to the carrier.
5. If the backplane p ins are not bent:
Insert or replace the circ uit pack.
6. Determine if the packet b us fault is still present. If not you are finished.
7. If the packet bus fault is st ill present, do the following:
a. If the old circuit p ack was reinserted in Step 5, replac e the circuit
pack and repeat Proced ure 3 starting at Step 2.
b. If the circuit pac k was replaced with a new one, p roceed with the
next step.