DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-108ANN-BD (Announcement Circuit Pack)
Locked Announcement Circuit Pack
The announcement circuit pac k can exhibit a rare “loc ked” condition th at renders
two of its ports unusable b y software. One of these ports is the record port, thus
preventing any recording of announcements or execution of th e save/restore
announcements commands. Software does not have any way of d etecting this
condition and will attemp t to use the ports.
When the circuit pack is in this state, the following symptoms is ob served:
When attempting to record an announc ement, you will hear the proper
record tone, but the announc ement will not record. This will not be
apparent until an attempt is ma de to play the announcement b ack.
Performing a test board long will yield the following abort code s:
Test #206 aborts on p orts 1 and 9 with code 1024.
Test #205 aborts on p orts 1 and 9 with code 2000.
Tests #209 and #210 abo rt with code 1024.
The save/restore announcements c ommands will time out with: Error
encountered, can’t complete request
The announcement circuit pac k lock-up can be cleared remotely by performing a
soft reset to the circuit pac k with the following sequence of commands:
1. busy-out board UUCSS (this command will drop all calls to the
Announcement circuit p ack)
2. reset board UUCSS
3. release board UUCSS
140AY Looparound Test (#210)
This test checks the integrity of the rec ord channel on the Announceme nt circuit
pack (announcement p ort 1). The main function of the 140AY device is to acc ept
Pulse Code Modulation (PCM)/Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
(ADPCM) samples and compress/ex pand the samples using ADPCM. This test
connects a tone generato r to one port (announcement p ort 1, the recording p ort),
and a tone detector to another p ort (announcement port 9). A tone is g enerated
by the tone generator on the first p ort and looped throug h the 140AY device to
the second port. The tone d etector then responds with a tone p resent/absent
message. The 140AY Looparound Test is repeated at three different speech
compression rates.
Since this test involves sending a tone throug h two different ports, the Playbac k
Speech Memory Array (PSMA) Test (#206) [see “ANN-PT” for a description of this
test] is run on the two ports first to make sure that they are working properly.