DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-59change system-parameters maintenance
Origination to
OSS Numbers
Indicates one of four options for alarm origination (neither):
If this field is set to “b oth,” all Major and Minor alarms result in
an automatic call to both O SS telephone numbers. Both OSS
telephone numbers must be administered.
If this field is set to “first-only,” all Major and Minor alarms result
in an automatic call to the first OSS number only. The switch
does not call the second OSS telephone number even if the
number is administered. The first OSS telephone numb er must
be administered
If this field is set to “neither,” alarm origination does not take
place. Warning alarms are not repor ted to either numbers.
If this field is set to “sec ond-as-backup ,” all Major and Minor
alarms result in an automatic call to th e first OSS telephone
number. If calling the first OSS telephone number fails four
attempts, the switch starts to c all the second OSS telephone
number as a backup until calling the first OSS telephone
number becomes suc cessful. Both OSS telephone numbers
must be administered.
Before Release 5, the name of this field is “Alarm Orig ination
Activated.” If Alarm Orig ination is deactivated , both Cleared Alarm
Notification and Restart Notification a re disabled, even thou gh they
may still be activated in the administration.
Cleared Alarm
Notification Enables the switch to originate a call to the OSS and send an alarm
resolution message whenever all prev iously reported Major and
Minor alarms are resolved. Alarm Orig ination must be activated in
order for Cleared Alarm Notification to work. (no)
Notification Enables the switch to originate a c all to the OSS and report any
system restarts caused by problems with the switch.
Threshold The threshold for suspending C leared Alarm Notification. Some
problems may cause alarms to be generated and then resolved
repeatedly. To detect thes e problems (by not send ing additional
Cleared Alarm notifications to ind icate a problem- free syste m), the
switch suspends Cleared Alarm Notification when it has rep orted
this administrable number o f Cleared Alarm notifications in a 24
hour period. A suspend ed Cleared Alarm Notific ation is only
enabled again with a suc cessfully comp leted “logoff” command, a
system reset, or when the threshold is chang ed. This field is
irrelevant if Cleared Alarm Notification or A larm Origination is
disabled. The possib le range of threshold values is between 1 and