DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1276PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
Reset Test (#889)
The reset action initializes the Packet Interface c ircuit pack and causes the
firmware on the Packet Interface circ uit pack to run a comp rehensive set of
diagnostic tests.
The demand reset action will abort if the sp ecified Packet Interfac e circuit pack is
on an a ctiv e SPE (ver sus a s tand by SPE) a nd if that Pa cket Inter face circ uit p ack
is in the in-service state.
A Packet Interface circuit p ack is put in the out-of-servic e state automatically if it
has been reset 3 times by bac kground maintenance withi n the last 15 minutes,
independent of the results of th e reset action.
If the system is equipped with the High Reliability or Critical Reliability
Confi gura tion a nd if the Pac ket I nterf ace c irc uit p ack i s on th e stan dby SPE, the
2 FAIL No response from the active Packet Interface circuit pack to a request to the
Packet Interface on the active SPE for peer link setup between the active and
standby Packet Interface circuit pack.
1. Retry the test command after a one minute delay.
2. If the test continues to fail:
a. Use the display alarms command to disp lay the ac tive alarms. Verify
that there are no alarms on the standby SPE components other than the
alarm for the Peer Link failure. If there are, clear those alarms first.
b. Initia te an SPE in terch ange by mov ing th e SPE SELECT swi tches on the
DUPINT circuit packs to the position corresponding to the carrier
location of the standby SPE. This will cause an SPE interchange using a
WARM restart. Established calls will not b e disconnected .
c. Replac e the Packet Interface circuit pack on the standby SPE and
restore the SPE SELECT switches to their neutral position. (Refer to
Replacing SPE Circuit Packs in Chapter 5, ‘‘Alarms, Errors, and
Troubleshooting’’ for procedures for replacing circuit pac ks in a standby
SPE carri er.)
d. Enter the status SPE command at on minute intervals up to 10 minutes
to wait for memory refresh to complete.
PASS The SPE is able to communicate with the Packet Interface circuit pack. If
problems are still reported on the circuit pac k, check for errors on the Private
Looparound Tests (#885) and Maintenance Looparound Tests (#886).
Table 9-502. TEST #888 Active-Standby Peer Link Test — Continued
Code Test
Result Description/ Recommendation
Continued on next page