DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
Tape Drive Head Cleaning Procedure
The following procedures should be used to clean the PBX T ape Drive(s). A T ape
Drive should be cleaned once every three months to reduce the risk of losing
information and to prevent unexp ected service c alls. An entry should be mad e in
the Lucent Preventive Maintenance Log when this is done (see Chapter 6).
A DC2000 Series Data Cartridge Tape Drive Cleaning Kit from 3M is used to
clean the tape head and the tape capstan. This kit c onsists of a Cleaning
Positioning Cartridge and 20 cleaning wands (Comc ode 406622464 or 3M
Reorder number DC051111-12947). A refill kit of 20 cl eaning wands is also
available (Comcode 406622 472 or 3M Reorder Number DC051111-12948).
The cleaning wands are flammabl e. Dispose of properly.
1. Busy out the Tape circuit pack using the busyout tape c c ommand where
is the carrier number (a or b ). This prevents background maintenance
tests and other applic ation software from trying to acc ess the tape.
2. Eject the Tape Cartridge from the Tape circuit pack (TN1656). Insert the
Cleaning Position Cartridge into the Tape Drive with the label side to the
left (see Picture 1).
3. Prepare the cleaning wand for use as fo llows: Hold the bristle end d own,
crush the wand at the "x" area and squeeze to release fluid and saturate
the bristles.
4. Insert the wand into R/W Head Slot (top of c artridge, see Picture 2) with
gentle twisting motion. Stop when solid resistance is felt. Rotate the wand
6 turns while raising and lowering end of wand.
5. Remove the used wand and di scard.
6. Prepare a second wand as d escribed in step 3 above.
7. Eject the Cleaning Position Cartridge o ut of the Tape circuit pack and
reinsert it. This will condition the tape d rive to move the capstan when the
cleaning wand is insert ed in the next step.
8. Insert the wand into the Capstan Slot (middl e of cartridge, see Picture 2)
within 10 seconds after the Cleaning Position Cartridge was reinserted .
9. Apply a gentle forward pressure to the wand for about 15 se conds. You
should be able to feel the c apstan moving.
10. Remove the used wand and di scard.
11. Eject the Cleaning Positioning Cartrid ge and insert the PBX Tape
Cartridge bac k into the Tape Drive.
After the Tape Cartridge is inserted bac k into the Tape Drive, it will
run through a retension pass which will ta ke up to two minutes to