DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1254PKT-INT (Packet Interface Circuit Pack)
1. Use the display system-parameters maintenance command to
determine the number of Packet Inter face circuit p acks logically or
physically present.
2. Insert the missing Packet Interfac e circuit pac k into the system or
use the change system-parameters maintenance command to
change the entries for Packet Interfac e circuit pac ks to match those
actually present.
e. Error 50 indicates that the SPE is sending more downli nk messages than
the Packet Interface can keep up with. This is an in-line error not produced
by any test. When this error is reported, ap plication software is slowed
down to allow the Packet Interface to p rocess existing do wnlink
messages. If there is a hardware prob lem, the Packet Interface test will
normally cause other errors to be logg ed. In the rare case where there are
no other PKT-INT errors logged but error 50 occ urs more than 10 times in
the last hour, follow normal escalation p rocedures.
f. Erro r 100 i ndic ate s that the SPE re ques ted a reset of Pac ket I nter face
circ uit p ack s on th e ac tive SPE a s par t of a Packe t Int erfac e c ircu it pa ck
reco very a ctio n. In a Hig h Relia bil ity or Criti cal R eliab ilit y syst em, a n SPE
interchange will occ ur instead of a Packet Interfac e circuit pac k reset, if
the he alth o f the s tand by SPE a llows an in terc hang e.
1. If no other PKT-INT errors except error code 1 are present, th is
means that that the Packet Interface circuit p ack was in a fatal fault
state at the time of system initialization or SPE interchange and it
was reset successfully. No other actions are required .
2. If PKT-INT error codes other than error code 1 are present, refer to
the repair procedures for those errors to c orrect the failure.
g. Error 150 indicates that a SPE interchange occ urred and that the Packet
Interface circuit p ack was the cause of the sp ontaneous interchange.
1. If other PKT-INT errors are present, investigate those errors.
2. If no other PKT-INT errors are present, run the test
packet-interface long clear command and investigate any
h. Error 200 indicates that memory shad owing was turned off in prep aration
for re setti ng a Pa cket Inte rfac e ci rcui t pac k on t he ac tive SPE in a sy stem
with the High Reliability or Critical Reliab ility Configuration. No action
should be taken based on this error code. Normally, when the state of
healt h of th e stan db y SPE allo ws an SPE i nterc han ge, a n SPE inte rcha nge
will be requested instead of a Packet Interface reset. However, if the state
of hea lth of the s tand by SPE d oes no t per mit a n SPE inte rcha nge , the
Packe t Inte rfac e ci rcui t pac k on t he ac tive SPE will b e res et. As part of th at
reset action, memory shadowing is turned off so that the Packet Interfac e
circ uit p ack on th e stan dby SPE will b e ref reshe d af ter th e act ive Pac ket
Interface circuit p ack is reset.