DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1489SNI-PEER (SNI Peer Link)
If the SNI is r epor ting an SNI- PEER error agai nst a s lot th at do es not cont ain an
SNI, either change circuit p ack administration via change circuit-pack to
unadminister the SNI, or insert an SNI into the indicated slot. List configuration
carrier can be used to d etermine whether an SNI circuit pac k is inserted.
Otherwise, display errors and look at
of the SN I-PEER err o rs in t he log . If
either of the following two cond itions are present, follow Procedure 2 below.
Do many SNIs have SNI-PEER errors pointing to the same 2 adj acent
Do 2 adjacent SNIs have SNI-PEER errors pointing to many other SNIs?
If neither condition is present, fo llow Procedure 1 below. When using either
procedure, refer to SNI-BD or SNC-BD for circuit p ack replacement instr uctions.
Procedure 1: Proceed through the following steps
the problem is resolved:
1. Perform the Fiber Fault Isolation Procedure describ ed in Chapter 5.
2. Rep lace the SNI poin ted t o by t he SNI- PEER error type (see t he SNI Sl ot
column in the preced ing table,
SNI-PEER Err or Log Entri es
3. Rep lace the SNI repo rting the SN I-PEER err or.
4. Replace the active SNC.
Procedure 2: If either of the two patterns desc ribed before are p resent, then the
clock signal b etween active SNC and 2 Adjac ent SNIs is suspect. Proceed
through the following steps
the problem is resolved:
1. If only one SNC exists in this switch node c arrier, replace the SNC. If two
SNCs exist in this switch node carrier, p erform the following steps :
a. Set the standby SNC to active by executing set switch-node-clock
UUCSS with the standby SNC’s location.
b. If the problem pers ists, switch back to the p reviously active SNC via
the set switch-node-clock command and go to step 2 below.
Slot Numbers of
Adjacent SNIs Point to This SNI Pair
2, 3 1, 257
4, 5 513, 769
6, 7 1025, 1281
8, 9 1537, 1793
13, 14 2049, 2305
15, 16 2561, 2817
17, 18 3073, 3329
19, 20 3585, 3841