DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-178reset packet-interface
The cabinet number defaults to 1. The carrier must be spec ified only for PPNs
with d upl ica ted SPEs .
reset packet-interface
reset packet-interface C [S]

Resetting a packet interfac e is disruptive und er the following cond itions:

On all standard reliability sy stems (simplex SPE)
When SPEs in a duplicated system are locked, or hand shake is down, and
the active packet inter face is reset.
When the standby SPE in a duplicated system h as a state of health lower
than the active, and the ac tive packet interface is reset.

In the above cases, cal l service throughout the system is d isrupted, the

terminal is logged off and all EPNs are unavailable during the reset interval.

A minor alarm is logged against the circuit p ack to be reset. This lowers the

state of he alth o f the assoc iate d SPE an d may cau se a sp ont aneou s SPE

interchange in dup licated systems.

This command resets and initializes the p acket interface c ircuit pack hard ware
and firmware. The actual sequenc e of operation depend s on the type and status
of the SPEs.
When an active packet interfac e is reset, its links are droppe d and reassigned to
the remaining in-service p acket interface c ircuit packs. These links are not
migrated bac k to the packet interfac e after the reset. A level 2 (Cold-2) or g reater
system restart is required to redistrib ute the links equally among all ac tive packet
interfaces, including the one that was reset.
Simplex SPE
For standard reliability systems the sp ecified pa cket interface circ uit pack is
simply reset. Failure of the reset can lead to the c ircuit pack b eing placed in the
out-of-service state. When a packet inter face is out of service, sc heduled,
periodic, error and demand testing of the c ircuit pack is p revented and it is not
used for links. The circuit pac k returns to the in-service state up on passing the
reset. A level 2 (Cold-2) or greater system restart is then p erformed to distrib ute
the links equally among the availab le packet interfac e circuit pac ks.