DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-275status health
Field descriptions
Major Number of major alarms logge d up to 2000
Minor Number of minor alarms logge d up to 2000
Warning Number of warning alarms log ged up to 2000
Trunks Number of busied-out trunks
Stations Number of busied-out sta tions
Others Number of busied-out mainten ance objects, exc luding trunks and
Static Percentage of CPU time currently dedi cated to high pri ority items such
as the operating system, round ed to the nearest whole number
SM Percentage of CPU time currently ded icated to system management or
periodic and scheduled maintenanc e, rounded to the nearest whole
If a large amount of periodic or scheduled maintenance testing is b eing
performed, this number c an be high without affecting service.
CP Percentage of CPU time currently dedic ated to call proc essing, rounded
to the nearest whole number
Call processing has p riority over system management and will draw
occupanc y from the SM or IDLE categories.
Idle Percentage of CPU time currently idle and available for use, rounded to
the nearest whole number
Active SPE Always A for a simplex SPE, otherwise:
A or BThe currently active SPE
lock edThe SPE is loc ked by t he SPE-Sel ect s witc hes o n the
Duplication Interfac e circuit pac ks.
autoThe switches are set to allow the system control of ac tive SPE
Active PNC Always A for a simplex PNC, otherwise:
A-PNC The currently active PNC or B-PNC
lockedThe PNC is locked via the set pnc command.
autoThe system is controlling selection of the active PNC.
Duplicated? Whethe r the SPE a nd PNC are d upl icat ed