DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1756TIE-TRK (Analog Tie Trunk)
TIE-TRK (Analog Tie Trunk)
Many trunk problems are caused by incorrect setting s of parameters on the
trunk group administra tion form. Settings must be comp atible with the local
environment and with parameter setting s on the far-end. Refer to


Communications System Generic 3 V2 Implementation

, 555-230-653, for
information on how to administer trunks. The App lication Notes section of
that book shows the correct settings for administrable timers and other
parameters on a country-b y-country basis.
The following circuit pac ks, including all suffixes suc h as TN760D, support
analog tie trunks:
MO Name (in
Alarm Log) Alarm
Level Initial Command to Run12
is the universal cabinet number (1 for PPN, 2 - 44 for EPNs).
is the carrier
designation (A, B, C, D, or E).
is the number of the slot in whic h the c ircu it pac k
resides (01 to 21).
is the two digit port number (01, 02, ...).
2. If ATMS testing is enabled, check the error log for ATMS errors 3840 and 3841. If the
error log indicat es th at me asu remen ts ex c eeded acc ep table thresholds, and no other
trouble is found with test trunk, run the ATMS test call with test analog-testcall port
UUCSSpp full.
Full Name of MO
3. A Major alarm on a trunk indi cates that alarms on these trunks are not downgraded by
the set options command and that at least 75 percent of the trunks in this trunk group
are alarmed.
This alarm does not apply to TN497.
test port UUCSSpp l Tie Trunk
TIE-TRK MINOR test port UUCSSpp l Tie Trunk
TIE-TRK WARNING test port UUCSSpp sh Tie Trunk
Table 9-657. Analog Tie Trunk Circuit Packs
Code Trunk Type Signaling Leads
TN760 4-wire E&M
TN437 4-wire E&M
TN439 2-wire A&B (two-way circuits only)
TN458 4-wire E&M
TN497 2-wire A&B
TN2140 4-wire E&M