DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
555-230-126 Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1494STBY-SPE (Standby SPE Maintenance)
Standby Availability
Various fact ors af fect the av ailab ilit y of th e stan dby SPE:
The condition of the individu al hardware components of the stand by SPE
Standby memory content
Standby State-of-Health (SOH)
Stand by SPE-D own
System Time-of-Day
The health of both the active and stand by is tracked as a State-of-Health (SOH)
value. State-of-Health is discussed f ully in Chapter 1.
The SOH of the standby SPE can be determined with the "status spe" command.
A complete desc ription of this command and its output appears in Chapter 8. For
the st andb y to b e ful ly ava ilab le, th e fiel ds ( for th e SPE with mode
, where
applicable) should read as follows:
Any divergence from these c onditions, excep t during system recovery or
technician-initiated mainte nance, requires immediate investig ation.
Locking the Active SPE
Dupl icat ion In terfa ce h ardwa re sup por ts th e abi lity t o loc k the a ctiv e SPE into
active mode. On each Dup lication Interface c ircuit pack is an SPE-SELECT
switch which can be set in three positions: A, B, Auto. These are n ormally se t wit h
both switc hes o n AUTO , allo wing syst em sof tware to go vern w hic h SPE is ac tive .
When th e SPE-SELECT s witc hes on both SPE’s Duplication Interfac e circuit
pac ks are set to the p ositi on A, then t he SPE in c arri er A is loc ked a ctiv e and the
B-carrier SPE is locked standby. Setting both to B locks the B carrier active. Any
other combination of setting s results in AUTO mode.

In locked mode, the syste m

operates as if it is simplex:

Duplicated? yes
SPE Select ed? auto (o therw ise, th e
SPE-Selec t switc hes w ill
prevent any interchange)
Standby Busied no
Standby Refreshed? yes
Standb y Shad owing on
Standby Handshake? up
Recent Spontaneous
Interchange? no
State-of-Health functional